Sales Process.

Empower your enterprise on the go. Extract the full potential of your distribution and sales networks with YASH's Dealer 360, providing mobile accessibility and invaluable insights for robust decision-making.

Redefine your strategies from reactive to proactive, enhancing efficiency, elevating customer experiences, and ultimately influencing your bottom line.

  • Monitor order volumes, inventory levels, and market trends on-the-go.
  • Predictive maintenance leveraging AI for proactive issue resolution.
  • Machine learning algorithms optimizing field personnel schedules.
  • Connected technologies ensuring real-time communication and updates.
  • Complete insights into client preferences, history, and service requirements
  • In-depth understanding of equipment status, enabling proactive maintenance.
  • Comprehensive profiles of field personnel for optimized task assignments.

YASH Dealer 360 transforms order management and logistics tracking, providing a reorganized and efficient process. Seamless synchronization with ERP systems ensures a smooth and accurate flow of data, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

  • Efficient order capture and submission through user-friendly interfaces.
  • Automated logistic and shipment tracking for real-time visibility.
  • Simplified invoicing processes for faster transactions.
  • Accurate data flow between systems, reducing errors and delays.
  • Real-time updates on order status and inventory levels.
  • Integration with ERP systems for synchronized financial data.

Our Solution optimizes spare parts sales with an emphasis on efficiency and real-time updates. The system facilitates an efficient product catalog search and seamless order submission, enabling a smooth and hassle-free experience for both dealers and distributors.

  • User-friendly catalog interface for quick and precise part searches.
  • Filter options and detailed product information for informed decisions.
  • Enhanced search algorithms for swift navigation.
  • Instantaneous updates on partner inventory levels.
  • Collaborative inventory management for effective stock control.
  • Automated notifications for inventory replenishment.

YASH Dealer 360 packaged suite offers a comprehensive After Sales module, focusing on ield service operations. From service requests to job card management and a dedicated service agent console, our solution ensures a continuous and efficient post-purchase service experience.

  • Proactive scheduling of service visits based on predictive maintenance.
  • Real-time updates on service progress and technician location.
  • Historical data analysis for continuous service improvement.
  • User-friendly interfaces for service request submissions.
  • Automated job card generation for efficient task assignment.
  • Service agent console for real-time communication and issue resolution.

YASH Dealer 360 : Sales – Service Cloud.

Experience the Power of YASH Dealer 360 offered as a Package Suite. From Dealer Registration to After-sales processes, our comprehensive solution ensures a smooth and uninterrupted flow of operations. It eliminates manual processes with automated inventory management and order generation and enables streamlined channel distribution, guaranteeing optimal efficiency from depot to retailers.

Empower Your Enterprise with YASH Dealer Management System

  • One Platform for Your Dealers and Distributors: Facilitate real-time communication, data sharing, and coordination.
  • Seamless Integration: Effortlessly integrate with existing systems for a smooth transition.
  • Complete Visibility: Gain comprehensive insights into operations, sales, and inventory.
  • AI-Driven Analytics: Leverage advanced analytics for trend prediction and inventory optimization.