YASH Differentiators.

  • Expert Authentication Methods: Tap into Amazon API Gateway’s high-level and flexible authentication methods, including AWS Identity and Access Management policies, Lambda authorizer functions, and Amazon Cognito user pools.

  • Enhanced Security: Integrate Amazon API Gateway with AWS WAF to protect your APIs from common web attacks.
  • Experience: Benefit from over a decade of experience in AWS implementation and managed services, minimizing risks and spending on migration and transformation projects.
  • Agile IT Architecture: Achieve higher efficiencies and productivity through meticulous testing, iteration, and auditing of AWS deployments.
  • Industry-Specific Solutions: We offer industry-specific web service applications and tools tailored to your organization’s needs.
  • OEM Ecosystem: Leverage our strong OEM ecosystem for full-featured services that optimize AWS utilization.
  • Expert AWS Team: A highly skilled team of AWS experts at YASH AWS CoE for ideation, strategy development, cloud adoption roadmap creation, and seamless execution.
  • Efficient Global IT Management: We are uniquely positioned to complement AWS offerings for efficient deployment, integration, and management of complex global IT landscapes.