YASH Differentiators.

  • Minimized risks and spending on migrations and transformation projects with over a decade of experience in AWS implementation and managed services
  • Agile IT architecture for higher efficiencies and productivity, achieved through meticulous testing, iteration, and auditing of AWS deployments
  • AWS Lambda let YASH Experts to handle maintenance, administration, and patches of the infrastructure while offering built-in logging and monitoring.
  • Industry-specific web service applications and tools tailored to ensure the right fit for organizations’ needs
  • Strong OEM ecosystem enabling cross-pollination of full-featured services to optimize AWS utilization
  • Highly skilled team of AWS experts at YASH’s AWS CoE providing ideation, strategy development, cloud adoption roadmap creation, and seamless execution
  • Uniquely positioned to complement AWS offerings for efficient deployment, integration, and management of complex global IT landscapes.