Automation Infrastructure Management Services

Boost operational efficiency with DevOps for your application’s success

By: Sandeep Chouhan

Publish Date: March 17, 2020

In today’s highly competitive and digital world, businesses aim to deliver quality applications to the customers quickly. An effective way to meet this imperative is by rooting latency out of the application delivery pipeline. This can happen by following DevOps practice that emphasizes automation and collaborative solutions.
For example, think of DevOps as a huge workplace. All the departments there, work together rapidly, share information regularly, and deliver error-free output through specialized software. It appears like every employee is always up to date, independent, lucid, and efficient at what they do. As a result, organizations can save millions of dollars by working proficiently at lightning speed.

Four prime areas within businesses that significantly contribute to latency in the development process:

  1. Manual process increases customers’ waiting time

The manual application delivery process is time-consuming and leads to buggy releases. Therefore, squeezing latency out of this process, and enhancing quality and speed has become imperative as the software has become crucial to business success. As per latest research, “An organization must provide improved and distinguished apps to deliver competitive advantages. These apps should be consumable by the clients and consistently evolving to meet their requirements.”

  1. Latency slays quality

While getting applications online rapidly is critical, so is the quality. Manual processes and other latency sources involved in the development pipeline can impact the quality. Testing and monitoring of automated performance testing and production can ensure app quality to improve customer experience.

  1. Collaboration failure between I&O and dev team

Both I&O and development teams struggle with ecosystem complexities based on their roles and responsibilities across the application lifecycle. For instance, application complexity is extravagant for I&O teams as they have to deal with multiple tools that are not integrated. This leads to ‘silos of automation’ that creates massive delivery latency. Research reveals that only 38% of teams collaborate through regular meetings and even lesser use collaboration software to interact with each other.

  1. Executive buy-in

Staffing issues are another major roadblock in the development process latency. According to stats, 39% of the companies surveyed agreed that a scarcity of skills prevented employees from delivering apps at a faster pace.
Since DevOps has emerged as a rescuer to the problems discussed above. Let us now discover what the factors deriving outstanding results are.

  • Continuous delivery: Organisations can build successful apps by running every code change through automated tests in the development process. It helps to produce, test, and install apps faster and with minimal risks.
  • Continuous Testing: Since testing is a continuous practice, app development teams can fix bugs timely while eliminating shortcomings from progressing to the next phase of the software development lifecycle.
  • Continuous Integration: It is the practice that suggests app development teams to recurrently integrate changed or new code into a collective repository of shared code. This process allows developers to recognize and rectify errors immediately.
  • Constant Monitoring: Constant monitoring is paramount to ensure the efficient and accurate development of an application. It delivers high-quality software that meets up to the expectations and requirements of customers.
  • User Feedback: Continuous user reactions give a better understanding of the factors which can improve products. It helps the development team to build more customized apps and gain success.

Another crucial aspect of accomplishing reliable and expected results is the successful implementation of its capacity. For DevOps to put the best foot forward, three important elements are framework, tools, and people.
Framework: Organisations must incorporate detailed use-case, the company’s structure, and governance as part of the entire DevOps strategy. DevOps teams have to adapt their processes within this agenda diligently. This outline must also be assessed continuously for relevancy and precision. As DevOps is implemented across the company, some elements will become automated and redundant. It is also recommended to have an integral assessment segment to ensure essential operation standards are in place before moving to automation. This will give a clear idea to operate DevOps within the organization and will also provide a precise baseline to measure future success.
Tools: All operating systems, application distribution outlines, and management and testing tools should be in place for continuous delivery and integration. Besides, software-defined networking and computing ability should also be included to allow seamless integration with the security panel and network for the application. Every future IT solution in consideration should be capable of DevOps. For example, an application delivery controller can be completely integrated with DevOps tools for easy provisioning and configuration. Now, IT companies can automate end-to-end application deployment.
People: As Development and Operations merge into a single unit, the collaboration will be supreme to the evolution. DevOps need a great deal of collaboration with the willingness to compromise in sharing perils and rewards. Development teams have to learn to appreciate the operations perspective on change-management practices and risk management. On the other hand, operations must also embrace the benefits of faster deployments to a business’s competitive advantage. Employees will adapt to the changes when they realize the value of working together with the teams.
Boost business efficiency and performance with the dual forces of DevOps and Cloud
Lack of efficient tools and difficult logistics have been significant challenges in the collaboration of development and operations. DevOps methodology in the cloud enhances collaboration between teams, boost the efficiency of the app development cycle, and saves money and time.
Consequently, it optimizes product quality and improves user experience. Research shows that DevOps alone reported a boost of 52% in businesses’ performance, and cloud alone boosted it up to 53%. Whereas both DevOps and cloud together reported a boost of 81% in performance for the companies.
DevOps and cloud will be significantly beneficial for companies, especially smaller businesses. As organizations leveraging, this combination will experience an upsurge in product quality and productivity and will adapt quickly to the changing dynamics.
Forrester Consulting
Software Delivery Performance

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