
Five best practices to implement a successful DevOps process

By: Vipul Verulkar

Publish Date: April 6, 2020

Google Trends reveals that the number of organizations presenting their interest in implementing or planning to implement DevOps practices has doubled over the last two years[1]. However, as DevOps is gaining momentum in the business landscape, companies are identifying the difference between the requirements for DevOps, the advantages it would deliver, and the challenges to successfully implement and nurture DevOps.

As an organization implements a DevOps process, it is paramount to follow emerging trends that can affect DevOps in the future for the long and short term. Given below are the best practices which many companies follow to overcome process challenges and to build a strong foundation for successful DevOps.
Keep systems secure
A rapidly emerging DevOps challenge is cybersecurity, which is accelerating development security operations. To match the pace with modern industry trends, more organizations are embracing continuous integration and continuous delivery. This practice divides operational elements between teams to ensure the safety of processes and data at all the phases of the development lifecycle.
Data and process security are essential to implement successful DevOps; therefore, organizations should follow best practices for Development security operations. These include automating security with testing, streamline processes to restrict vulnerabilities, collaborate on continuous security, and penetrate security via CI/CD cycle.
Adopt AI
With the growth of a company, the infrastructure and data also grow in terms of both size and complexity. The best option to mitigate the complexities is to implement AI. AI helps in analyzing data to develop suggestions for future growth management and streamlining. Mature DevOps primarily simplifies tasks which can be made more effective by using AI. It can build correlations between data streams throughout different platforms, monitoring tools, and apps to recognize opportunities to enhance workflow.
Get prepared for IoT and 5G
Reports suggest that 5G networks are likely to cover over 40% of the world by 2024 while transmitting 25% of all mobile data traffic[2]. Advancements in the IoT significantly rely on 5G rollouts as higher-capacity 5G networks will increase the speed and volume of IoT data transmissions.
5G has the potential to transform the technology ecosystem, affecting organizations DevOps in multiple ways. Major compatibility issues may occur with apps and processes that were running on 4G, if not optimized for 5G networks. Moreover, such optimization efforts may cause unpredictable security threats. To gear up for 5G, DevOps professionals had no choice but to work on ensuring workflows and apps are compatible with 5G. Also, optimization for 5G performance is crucial to address security vulnerabilities.
Companies can prepare teams for enhanced IoT usage by affirming the maximum scalability and standardization of their DevOps platform. Thus, increasing the potential of simplifying IoT processes and reuse of codes between workflows.
Implement microservices architecture
An organization can develop multiple aspects of an application simultaneously by breaking down monolithic apps into microservices. Used as an essential part of the DevOps framework, microservices accelerate software development and delivery lifecycle. Organizations that want to implement successful DevOps should start adopting microservices architecture. Design a cultural framework to encourage collaboration and structure the DevOps team to fit in with microservices.
Prepare the DevOps team.
DevOps demand a complete cultural paradigm shift in the teams which will support and use DevOps to transform various processes and procedures. Unlike the traditional development process where teams worked in silos, DevOps requires a culture of collaboration, frequent communication, and support to drive the process framework to maturity. It encourages continuous feedback, brainstorming, practices, and failures to accomplish the best output.
DevOps is not confined to being an industry buzzword. Rather it revamps the process of developing and deploying software solutions, optimizing business processes, and enhancing software product quality. An expert team working on DevOps can result in 106 times faster lead time, seven times lower change failure rate, 208 times better code deployment, and 2,604 times faster incident recovery time[3].
As businesses will continue to adopt DevOps to grow, improve agility, flexibility, and results, it is imperative to put a strong foundation to avoid and overcome the futuristic challenges. Recognize and understand the best practices to follow to implement a long-term successful DevOps process. YASH technologies can help you design an effective strategy to implement and manage efficient DevOps. With rich expertise in DevOps, our dedicated team assists the enterprise to build a new culture and mindset, automation tools, and testing measures to seamlessly deploy DevOps.
Click here to explore YASH Technologies DevOps services.
1. Google Trends
2. VXchnge
3. State of DevOps

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