Automation Cloud

AWS Device Farm best practices

By: | Abhishek Shrivastava

Publish Date: October 24, 2019

The AWS Device Farm is a service that helps you in testing applications on a shared fleet of 2500 plus devices or on your personal device lab in the cloud and interacting with Android, iOS, and web applications on many devices all at once and replicates issues in real-time on a device. With this, one can deeply contemplate logs, videos, screenshots, and performance data to hit the bull’s eye and repair issues. This increases quality before the application is shipped.


  • Automated Testing
    This feature allows testing your app in parallel vide a huge collection of physical devices in the AWS Cloud. AWS Device Farm comes with an integrated framework that allows testing applications without any need to write and maintain lengthy test scripts. Alternatively, you can also use the supported automation testing frameworks. Automated testing gives you fast and reliable results within minutes and pinpoints all bugs and performance issues.
  • Remote Access
    This feature allows to gesture, swipe & interact with devices in real-time, directly from your web browser. All you must do is to select a device by attributes like make, model and its OS version and then the AWS Device Farm displays the screen of the device in your browser. After that, you can interact with that device through gesture and swipe. You can also reproduce any customer issues and test the modified functionality.

With these powerful features, AWS Device Farm comes with numerous benefits that are worth exploring:

  • It uses the same devices what your customers use
  • It reproduces the problems and rectifies issues rapidly
  • It simulates the real-world environments to get the best solutions
  • It chooses the texts that work the best for you
  • It integrates the development workflow
  • It sets up your own private device lab in the cloud

Best Practices:

The AWS Device Farm lets you upload your own tests or make use of built-in and script-free compatibility tests. You can test on multiple devices within minutes as all the testing procedures are run in parallel. Device Farm supports testing of iOS, Android, and Fire OS applications which also includes applications created with Titanium, Unity, PhoneGap, Xamarin, and other frameworks. It also facilitates remote access functionality for interactive testing of Android applications.

Device Farm organizes its devices into device pools which contain related devices like devices that run only on Android or iOS. These can be further used for testing. Device Farm by default provides designed device pools for top devices but you can also create your own private device pools.
Let us now see how AWS Device Farmworks:

  • First, get a device or a pool of devices on which you want to test your application.
  • Next, you pick up the types of tests (Built-in or custom) you want to run on the device.
    • Built-in tests allow you to test applications without writing scripts
    • Custom tests enable you to test specific flows and business logic within your application
  • The tests are run against the uploaded application. These runs could be several depending upon the supporting configuration on your application.
  • Finally, the consolidated reports are generated after finishing the rounds of test runs. AWS Device Farm also displays the levels of failures for each test and each device. This helps is easy and fast rectification of errors.

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